Here’s a novel idea.
Before you go for a run, or engage in another form of exercise, put some Lush Yummy nut butter on a banana and scoff that puppy down.
That’s what this happy Lush Yummy muncher did.
Sent me a photo of it and everything.
I’d say it’s nuts, but who am I to judge?
Let’s do a deep dive analysis here, like those half-time rugby talks.
Actually, there’s nothing technical here.
There’s no need for me to share directions on how to do this.
It’s simply smearing a big fat chunk of Lush Yummy nut butter directly onto a banana and chomping on it before your run.
Breaks my spirit to receive the positive feedback I get for this product, cos it means I’ll have to work harder to keep up with demand, when all I really want is to chill.
Just kidding.
It makes me happy no end to see my nut butter being enjoyed.
It’s your turn.
Buy some Lush Yummy nut butter and send me a pic of how you enjoy it.