Nutritional chart for nuts

Discover the nutritional benefits of popular nuts like almonds, cashews, and walnuts. From protein powerhouses to omega-3 champs, this guide helps you choose the best for your health and lifestyle.
nutritional chart for nuts

I’ve created a table showcasing the nutritional values of nuts.

It’s like one of those old skool WWE cage fights where they chuck all fighters, irrespective of weight class, into the ring to let ’em brawl it out until only one remains.

Read on to see which one of deez nuts wins.

Oh ja, lest I forget, this chart contains non-nut nuts too. See, some of the things we call nuts, are not. I’ve written a post about the different nut types for clarification.

Why is it important to know the nutritional value of nuts?

I really enjoy Thokoman peanut butter. The red Thokoman is one of my favourite snacks. I can chow that stuff by the shovel loads.

The problem is, it’s loaded with sugar. But my mind tricks me into convincing myself that it’s good for me, since it’s peanut butter.

But that’s a lie I swallow because I like the product.

It’s like taking a nutritious item like an egg, emptying a jar of tomato sauce onto it and saying that you’re eating a nutritious meal. Cos it contains egg, see.

Since we don’t add any funny stuff to Lush Yummy, you know that what you’re getting is as close to natural as can be.

It must be said, at this stage, Lush Yummy comes in ONE flavour, which contains TWO nut-types: macadamias and cashews. But the range might grow in future.

For now, here’s a list of the popular nut-types and their nutritional value, including for macadamias and cashews.

Nut nutrition table

Nutritional Comparison of Nuts (Per 28g Serving).

NutCaloriesProteinFatCarbsFibreNotable Nutrients
Almonds161 kcal6g14g6g3.5gVitamin E, Magnesium, Calcium
Cashews157 kcal5g12g9g1gCopper, Magnesium, Zinc
Hazelnuts178 kcal4g17g5g2.7gVitamin E, Manganese, Copper
Pecans193 kcal3g20g4g2.7gZinc, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Walnuts185 kcal4g18g4g2gOmega-3 (ALA), Manganese
Macadamia Nuts204 kcal2g23g4g2.4gOleic Acid, Thiamine
Brazil Nuts187 kcal4g19g3g2gSelenium, Magnesium, Vitamin E
Pistachios160 kcal6g13g8g3gPotassium, Vitamin B6
Peanuts161 kcal7g14g6g2.5gNiacin, Folate, Magnesium

Key insights

Here’s the lowdown, my friend.

This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about deez nuts.

For now, in any case. You know the nature of truth in our modern age, man. The thing seems to be fluid. Like gender or something.

Any case, here are some handy takeaways.

Protein champs

Peanuts and almonds top the chart with 7g and 6g of protein per serving, respectively.

Useful for: Muscle maintenance and growth.

Highest in calories

Macadamia nuts deliver the most calories at 204 per serving, thanks to their high fat content.

Useful for: Long-lasting energy and weight gain strategies.

Best for omega-3s

Walnuts are the clear winner in terms of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for heart and brain health.

Useful for: Cardiovascular health and cognitive function.

Top for selenium

Brazil nuts pack a whopping dose of selenium—just one or two nuts can meet your daily requirement.

Useful for: Thyroid health and immune support.

Snackable and slim

Pistachios are lower in calories and perfect for mindful snacking.

Useful for: Weight management and portion control.

Best for creamy textures

Cashews are slightly lower in fat than many other nuts and have a naturally creamy texture that makes them versatile.

Useful for: Dairy-free recipes, creamy sauces, and healthy snacks.

Rich in antioxidants

Hazelnuts are loaded with vitamin E and manganese, making them an excellent source of antioxidants.

Useful for: Combating oxidative stress and promoting healthy skin.

Great for pecan pie (and more)

Pecans are high in healthy fats and antioxidants, including ellagic acid.

Useful for: Heart health and adding a rich, buttery taste to recipes.


As far as Lush Yummy nut butter goes, it seems like the perfect option if you’re out on the trail, whether by foot or on a bicycle.

Let’s not forget that it contains honey too, which gives it a great taste.

Have you bought Lush Yummy nut butter yet?

I think you should!