Honey Bomb

Raw macadamia nuts, raw cashew nuts, raw honey, organic coconut oil and natural desert salt. Great for athletes who can fit a spoon into their mouth.
lush yummy nut butter 06




The Honey Bomb nut butter contains the following ingredients.

Raw macadamia nuts
Raw cashew nuts
Raw honey
Organic coconut oil
Natural desert salt


We have a jar lying around here somewhere.

Product weight

250 grams

Please note: The advertised weight is the weight of the actual product. That means one more bite of nut butter than you thought! Score!


This nut butter comes in the following size jar.


Why it's awesome

There are numerous reasons this honey nut butter is the best thing since something you think really rocks.

Tastes really good.
I've seen with my own eyes how people bite the spoon to get the last bit of nut butter into their system.
Actually, that might have been be.
Smooth texture.
Great on just about everything. Yup, tastes great even if you spill some of it on your counter top and lick it off. Chuck it into smoothies, or take the jar out for a run or cycle.


Contains raw macadamia nuts, raw cashe nuts, raw honey, organic, odourless coconut oil and natural desert salt.

This is it, Frikkie. This…is the one.

After many, many, many seconds of testing, crying, cringing and wondering why I’m still single, and why most people don’t drive a Jimny, I’ve finally come across what I think is the world-changing nut butter NEEDED by athletes who want a nut butter that… tastes good.
Is it more nutritious than other nut butters?
Prolly not, unless the other nut butters on the market contain razor blades. Or tiny ninjas hiding inside the jars, waiting for you to open the jar so they can assault you with teeny little ninja stars.
I could prolly spew paragraph upon paragraph about how this nut butter has changed the lives of those who slammed a spoon or two down their throats.
But that would be a lie.
It’s not life-changing nut butter, for the love of sanity. Don’t be silly.
It just tastes really good.