Welcome to Lush Yummy

Welcome to the website of your new favourite nut butter brand. The brand that cares only about one thing: making you drool.
welcome to lush yummy flipped

When was the last time you picked up a jar of something really tasty, opened it, stuck a spoon into it, removed the spoon, and jammed it into your mouth?

If you’ve never done that, it might be because you’ve not really had anything good in a jar yet.

You know that partner you broke up with because they tried to change you?

That’s Lush Yummy.

It’ll try to change you.

The difference is, it’s prolly gonna succeed.

Oh, you’ll start off all well-mannered.

You’ll remove the jar of Lush Yummy nut butter from the fridge or wherever you keep it.

You’ll twist off the lid.

In goes your spreading knife, and you’ll scoop a little Lush Yummy gently onto a slice of gluten-free bread, cut neat little slices and daintily start nibbling on them.

And then the flavor will grab you by the head and suck your face into the jar, your taste buds slobbering for more of this flavor that somehow seems familiar, but has a gorgeous new twist that makes you feel guilty when you have it, like you’re playing Race City 3D on your mobile phone while the dominee is preeking.

Your brain won’t know what to do with the cognitive dissonance jamming your senses.

And it’s okay.


Just embrace the taste.

Accept that this nut butter really is so good that not even Comic Sans can break it.

And buy a jar of Lush Yummy nut butter today.