Not sure about you, but I’m tired of most things online.
Social media has become anything but social.
The whole influencer sphere leaves me nauseated.
TikTok has me facepalming us as humans.
It’s too much.
All of it.
It’s a never ending torrent of amusement and entertainment.
The sad thing is, it’s not neutral.
This stuff is damaging to humans.
That’s why I’ve decided to take the unbranded route.
Lush Yummy’s not on social media.
If you want to know something about the company and its product, you must come to this website to learn it.
Unless, of course, your friends or family, or you, share photos or information about Lush Yummy nut butter to social media.
Fantastic. Go right ahead. If you think my nut butter’s good enough to be spread all over the social net, gopher it.
I don’t want to do it.
Don’t want to share carefully curated content to Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, or any other social media platform.
I want people who’ve tasted Lush Yummy nut butter to tell their family and friends about the product.
As for the logo, I purposely chose Comic Sans as the logo font.
I can’t think of an uglier font than Comic Sans.
It’s hideous.
I can’t say it’s my least favourite font, because that would imply it still falls within the spectrum of acceptability.
It doesn’t.
It’s for that reason that I chose it for the Lush Yummy logo.
Lush Yummy nut butter is so good that not even Comic Sans can break it.
That’s the unofficial tag line for Lush Yummy.
This product defies branding.
It’s like Elon Musk, only tastier.
Do I want it to become as big as Ol’ Musky?
Not a chance.
That’s prolly not gonna happen.
Also, I can’t imagine the work that’ll go into managing a brand that big.
All I want is for people to enjoy this stuff.
It’s a good nut butter.
Great, even.
You should buy some.