How hard can it be to find a nutritious alternative to the banana chips I thought were nutritious, and use in the Banana Honey Bomb?
Go onto Google, search for unsweetened dried banana, or unsweetened banana chips and hey, presto, Google spits out a long list of viable options, right?
Not so simple, apparently.
If it’s not Woolworths charging a bajillion rands for a packet of freeze-dried bananas the size of a R5 coin, it’s an online pet store trying to sell me banana treats.
And just when I think I’ve found something, I punch in the nutritional information they provide for the product into ChatGPT, ask it to compare the information to standard, unsweetened bananas, only to find that the product’s nutritional profile is altered because they fry it in oil.
There are options out there.
I could use dried banana strips.
The cost, however, is off the charts.
I’ll be adding a product that’s more than double the cost of the nuts I use in my nut butter.
That doesn’t really make sense.
Unless I decide to just push the price and cost myself out of the market.
That might be the only option left.
Strive for a premium nut butter and simply ignore cost.
Create a nut butter built strictly on a nutritional foundation.
But now sustainability comes into play again.
Do I add to, or subtract from, the supply chain if I push the price?
If I push the price, where does that place my product in the market?
My branding is downright ridiculous, for a reason.
I have no desire to look like other nut butter brands.
But if I’m to sell a product that’s mad expensive, will I need to do a brand redesign sooner than I’d hoped?
More cost.
I want my nut butter to sell on taste.
If you like the taste, I want you to keep buying.
Nutrition should be secondary.
Or so I thought.
But my conscience is finding it hard to play it that way.
Considering that much of humanity’s troubles can be traced to our food intake, I don’t want to be on the wrong side of the battle.
I don’t want to be one of the guys responsible for someone’s ill health.
I’m not saying you’re a victim.
Don’t get me wrong.
I don’t have time for that sort of nonsense.
We have the God-given gift of being able to make choices, and we should be able to say no to excess.
I guess it comes down to balance.
Buy Banana Honey Bomb nut butter and enjoy it in moderation.
Don’t do like I do and polish a jar in one sitting.
Save some nut butter for later.
Nevertheless, the search continues.
I’ll keep searching for a dried banana product that’s free of preservatives and additives.
If I do find a worthy banana product, I’ll write about it on the blog.
Maybe I should look at creating my own banana chips.
Eish, sounds like a lot of work.
Hope it doesn’t have to come to that.
Would require an industrial air fryer or freeze dryer.
Don’t have money for that.
Any case, take it easy, and check in again to be part of my journey to becoming a nut butter king.