
It's a bad idea if it's a bad habit.

Sustainability in business.

It’s one of the latest buzzwords created by people who don’t have real jobs and want to tax businesses by placing them on a guilt trip about the planet’s dismal condition.

But is sustainability important?


Sustenance is UBER important.

I eat at least once a day.

Gotta sustain this body of mine, after all.

I try not to sustain bad habits, though.

Smoking, for instance.

That’s not a sustainable practice.

Technically, it is, but sustaining a tobacco habit is a terrible idea.

Drinking (alcohol) (excessively) is another habit not worth sustaining.

The cost of alcohol makes it a bad idea.

Also, waking up with a hangover.

Not to mention the terrible moral choices you make when you’re drunk.

I suppose a glass of wine or a big fat jug of beer now and then doesn’t hurt, but those things fatten you.

As far as I know–and I’m not an expert on nut butter–nut butter does not fatten you.

Unless you eat the stuff by the bakkie-load.

Obviously that’ll fatten you up slightly.

But if you keep your nut butter intake at a normal level for humans, then yes, Lush Yummy is utterly sustainable, and can be enjoyed with glee.

It’s much better to be hooked on something like Lush Yummy nut butter.

It’s a habit worth sustaining.

So yes, Lush Yummy is all for sustainability.

But why do I use plastic jars?

You can read more about that by clicking here.