“Not many people are gonna get it.”
She raised her eyebrows, pressed her lips together and scrutinized the jar with a frown, turning it in her hand to take another look at the Comic Sans and the strange tag line I insisted go on the label: “A nut butter so good not even Comic Sans can break it”
It was the printing lady, telling me what her dad had told her when he saw the logo.
To be honest, I’m pretty sure I sent her the tag line all grammared up. You know: “A nut butter so good, not even Comic Sans can break it.”
I think she just ignored the comma and the full stop.
And honestly, I love it.
Kind of adds to the vibe.
And not many people will catch the Comic Sans dig, which means this is the mother of inside jokes.
And I love that.
If you’ve read any of my other posts, you’ll know I’m on a weird unbranding trip.
The product INSIDE the jar is FAR better than the branding on the OUTSIDE of the jar.
This is a deeply spiritual lesson, actually.
Jesus taught this sort of stuff.
It’s not supposed to be about the branding.
And sustainability, when you REALLY think of it, is a pipe dream.
So get your eyes off the ridiculous logo, your head off Greta’s latest arrest, and your finger into the jar, then into your mouth.
Suckle on the sweet teat of the Mac Daddy of nut butters.
Don’t worry about the environment.
Just enjoy the nut butter, chuck your jar in the bin and not in the street, and we should be good.
Or better yet, bring your jar back and have it refilled with a sierjaslie nice nut butter, made in Jeffreys Bay.