Free nut butter?

Would love to give this stuff away for free. Is it a sustainable practise?
free nut butter

It’s one thing to come up with a nut butter that’s really tasty.

To make a nut butter from macadamia nuts and cashews that blows your tongue to orbit and tricks your heart into believing it’s found the love of its life.

In a bottle.

So much so that you have to reason with yourself that the love between a man and his nut butter can not be anything but platonic.

But when it comes to selling the nut, that’s a whole different thing.

How do you price perfection: a unicorn with a candy cotton mane, tasty KFC thighs, the voice of Josh Garrels, the face of Audrey Hepburn and the strength of He-Man?

Give it away for free?

Sounds great.

Get some teenagers, dress them in macadamia nut outfits, give them buckets filled with Lush Yummy nut butter, stick fat whitewash brushes into their hands, and have them frolic through the streets, lathering everything and everyone in layers of Lush Yummy nut butter.

What a thought. I can see Jeffreys Bay drowning in an ocean of nut butter.

But alas, this will remain nothing more than a pipe dream.

Giving away this sort of premium delish is simply not sustainable.

Another option is to sell it with a pay-what-you-think-it’s-worth price tag.

The problem with that is that many people won’t appreciate it for what it is, and pay peanuts.

Paying peanuts for nut butter?

I’d be nutty to take that approach, because the moment I raise the price to something fair from the PWYTIW model, I’ll lose a ton of fans, and I’ll be forced to start over again.

The best way to price this insanely good nut butter is to make a fair price from the get-go.

Not too cheap, and not too expensive.

I’ve discussed this with people I respect, and they all have valid views on the issue of nut butter pricing.

Don’t base the price on competition.

Don’t price it too low, but don’t be cheeky and overprice it either.

Play the long game.

Remember, you’re selling a nut butter so good, not even Comic Sans can break it.

But don’t Woolworths or Apple on the price.

If you have any thoughts on the matter, please lemme know.

Or just buy some nut butter and let’s be friends.

You can also partake in the nut butter puzzle comps to win some nut butter.

If you do win, it’s totally free nut butter, for realz.