Best before

Don't let this happen before you dig into your Lush Yummy nut butter.
best before

So what’s the best best before date for Lush Yummy nut butter?

‘lit depends on a few things, really.

I think it’s best to finish your Lush Yummy before someone else gets to it.

That’s a great best before date.

(You might want to keep it hidden somewhere, so others can’t get to it in the first place.)

It’s also great in the mornings, when you woke. That means it’s also best before you leave the house.

When you get home in the evenings, stick a finger in your jar of Lush Yummy.

That makes for a phenomenal best before dinner nut butter treat.

You might want to have some before you take someone out to dinner, too.

That’s the best best before date date for Lush Yummy nut butter.

Not sure if it’ll ever be necessary to add a best before sticker to Lush Yummy jars.

Don’t think it’s necessary to close the jar once you’ve opened it.

Just scoff it all in one sitting.

That way, you can be sure it won’t go off. Ever.

And buy some more.

That’ll make both of us happy.